Jay Exon

Jay Exon is an American painter specializing in abstract art. He began flourishing a brush painting scenery for the theater during his apprenticeship with noted set designer Richard Ellis. In 2015, Exon began painting full time and soon developed a career as an independent artist. Though his abstract style is a departure from that of his formal training, he brings to each work a sense of theatricality. 

Exon lives and works in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

Representation: Joseph Gierek Fine Art (Tulsa, OK) and The Howell Gallery of Fine Art (Oklahoma City, OK)

My paintings are serendipitous discoveries revealed through open-minded experimentation. I paint as if treasure hunting, inspired by possibilities in pursuit of the novel. There are no accidents on my canvases, only coincidences. Perhaps Robert Motherwell of the New York School put it best: "In the brush doing what it is doing, it will stumble upon what one couldn't do by oneself."

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